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Market Research Survey

Online market research surveys are utilized by the world's largest and most successful companies as a way to collect valuable data. Sleeksystems online market research surveys have many benefits above and beyond the traditional printed survey. Some of the numerous advantages of online market research surveys are:

  • Fast. Due to automatic data entry, online market research survey responses are tabulated as they are received. Analysis of responses can begin immediately.
  • Online market research surveys are simple to create and implement.
  • Easy routing from one question to another. Online market research surveys have the ability to skip non-relevant questions based on previous answers.
  • Less expensive to produce due to the absence of printing and postage costs
  • Secure. Online market research surveys are secure, more anonymous and less open to tampering.
  • High response rates. Online market research surveys generates high response rates due to their user-friendly design and the fact that recipients can respond to the survey at their convenience.